This one seems to be right in our alley, this just asks to reverse the binary! So it will probably a cluster fuck of operations that won’t make any sense. When opening I was correct, this seems to be some obfuscated code. But what I did notice while looking diagonally through the file was that this seems to be packaged by UPX which is a compressor for binaries.
UPX compressed
We can decompress this easily with UPX.
UPX -d {filename}
When doing this… the file will be unpacked in the original file!
Now we open this new file in Ghidra and suddenly we have a more readable binary!
00401164 PUSH RBP
00401165 MOV RBP,RSP
00401168 SUB RSP,0x10
MOV EDI=>s_I_will_malloc()_and_strcpy_the_f_004966 = "I will malloc() and strcpy th
0040116c 00401171 CALL puts
00401176 MOV EDI,0x64
CALL malloc
0040117b 00401180 MOV qword ptr [RBP + local_10],RAX
00401184 MOV RDX=>s_UPX...?_sounds_like_a_delivery_s_004966
MOV RAX,qword ptr [RBP + local_10]
0040118b MOV RSI=>s_UPX...?_sounds_like_a_delivery_s_004966 = "UPX...? sounds like a deliver
0040118f 00401192 MOV RDI,RAX
00401195 CALL thunk_FUN_00400326
0040119a LEAVE
0040119f RET 004011a0