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This one seems to be right in our alley, this just asks to reverse the binary! So it will probably a cluster fuck of operations that won’t make any sense. When opening I was correct, this seems to be some obfuscated code. But what I did notice while looking diagonally through the file was that this seems to be packaged by UPX which is a compressor for binaries.

UPX compressed

We can decompress this easily with UPX.

UPX -d {filename}

When doing this… the file will be unpacked in the original file!

Now we open this new file in Ghidra and suddenly we have a more readable binary!

00401164    PUSH       RBP
00401165    MOV        RBP,RSP
00401168    SUB        RSP,0x10
0040116c    MOV        EDI=>s_I_will_malloc()_and_strcpy_the_f_004966   = "I will malloc() and strcpy th
00401171    CALL       puts
00401176    MOV        EDI,0x64
0040117b    CALL       malloc
00401180    MOV        qword ptr [RBP + local_10],RAX
00401184    MOV        RDX=>s_UPX...?_sounds_like_a_delivery_s_004966 
0040118b    MOV        RAX,qword ptr [RBP + local_10]
0040118f    MOV        RSI=>s_UPX...?_sounds_like_a_delivery_s_004966   = "UPX...? sounds like a deliver
00401192    MOV        RDI,RAX
00401195    CALL       thunk_FUN_00400326
0040119a    MOV        EAX,0x0
0040119f    LEAVE
004011a0    RET
  1. First a function prologue
  2. Then it will print out a string to the user with “I will malloc() and strcpy the flag there. take it.
  3. We indeed see a malloc of 0x64 (or 100) bytes
  4. We move RAX
  5. We move another string in RDX we move RAX back to RAX what did those two even do?
  6. We move the same string now in RSI
  7. We move RAX to RDI (RSI and RDI are ESI and EDI for x64)
  8. We probably call the __strcpy function now, we don’t actually need to follow this as we can just see the passphrase now.
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